What is the type of coiling in $DNA$
If the distance between two consecutive base pairs is $0.34\, nm$ and the total number of base pairs of a $DNA$ double helix in a typical mammalian cell is $6.6 \times 10^{9}$ $bp,$ then the length of the $DNA$ is approximately
What are the structures called that give an appearance as ‘beadsonstring’ in the chromosomes when viewed under electron microscope?
Explain the role of scientist :
$1.$ Watson and Crick $(1953)$
$2.$ Erwin chargaff
Definitions/Explanation : Histone octomer & Euchromatin
In a given $DNA$ segment the number of nucleotides of guanine is $75$ and those of thymine is $75$. The total number of nucleotides in the segment will be