Which of the following are sets ? Justify your answer.
A collection of most dangerous animals of the world.
The collection of most dangerous animals of the world is not a well-defined collection because the criteria for determining the dangerousness of an animal can vary from person to person.
Hence, this collection is not a set.
Make correct statements by filling in the symbols $\subset$ or $ \not\subset $ in the blank spaces:
$\{ x:x$ is an equilateral triangle in a plane $\} \ldots \{ x:x$ is a triangle in the same plane $\} $
Let $A=\{1,2,\{3,4\}, 5\} .$ Which of the following statements are incorrect and why ?
$\varnothing \in A$
Find the pairs of equal sets, if any, give reasons:
$A = \{ 0\} ,$
$B = \{ x:x\, > \,15$ and $x\, < \,5\} $
$C = \{ x:x - 5 = 0\} ,$
$D = \left\{ {x:{x^2} = 25} \right\}$
$E = \{ \,x:x$ is an integral positive root of the equation ${x^2} - 2x - 15 = 0\,\} $
Match each of the set on the left in the roster form with the same set on the right described in set-builder form:
$(i)$ $\{1,2,3,6\}$ | $(a)$ $\{ x:x$ is a prime number and a divisor $6\} $ |
$(ii)$ $\{2,3\}$ | $(b)$ $\{ x:x$ is an odd natural number less than $10\} $ |
$(iii)$ $\{ M , A , T , H , E , I , C , S \}$ | $(c)$ $\{ x:x$ is natural number and divisor of $6\} $ |
$(iv)$ $\{1,3,5,7,9\}$ | $(d)$ $\{ x:x$ a letter of the work $\mathrm{MATHEMATICS}\} $ |
Match each of the set on the left described in the roster form with the same set on the right described in the set-builder form:
$(i)$ $\{ P,R,I,N,C,A,L\} $ | $(a)$ $\{ x:x$ is a positive integer and is adivisor of $18\} $ |
$(ii)$ $\{ \,0\,\} $ | $(b)$ $\{ x:x$ is an integer and ${x^2} - 9 = 0\} $ |
$(iii)$ $\{ 1,2,3,6,9,18\} $ | $(c)$ $\{ x:x$ is an integer and $x + 1 = 1\} $ |
$(iv)$ $\{ 3, - 3\} $ | $(d)$ $\{ x:x$ is aletter of the word $PRINCIPAL\} $ |