Which of the following is true for a sample of isotope containing ${U^{235}}$ and ${U^{238}}$
Number of neutron are same in both
Number of proton, electron and neutron are same in both
Contain same number of protons and electrons but $U^{238}$ contains $3 $ more neutrons than $U^{235}$
$U^{238}$ contains $3$ less neutron then $U^{235}$
From the statements given below:$(A)$ The angular momentum of an electron in $n^{\text {th }}$ orbit is an integral multiple of $h$.$(B)$ Nuclear forces do not obey inverse square law.$(C)$ Nuclear forces are spin dependent.$(D)$ Nuclear forces are central and charge independent.$(E)$ Stability of nucleus is inversely proportional to the value of packing fraction.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below :
The nuclei ${ }_{6} C^{13}$ and ${ }_{7} N^{14}$ can be described as
Which of the following particles are constituents of the nucleus
The mass number of a nucleus is
Which of the following isotopes is normally fissionable ?