Which of the two have same dimensions
Force and strain
Force and stress
Angular velocity and frequency
Energy and strain
Identify the pair whose dimensions are equal
The dimensions of $emf$ in $MKS$ is
The speed of light $(c)$, gravitational constant $(G)$ and planck's constant $(h)$ are taken as fundamental units in a system. The dimensions of time in this new system should be
An expression for a dimensionless quantity $P$ is given by $P=\frac{\alpha}{\beta} \log _{e}\left(\frac{ kt }{\beta x }\right)$; where $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are constants, $x$ is distance ; $k$ is Boltzmann constant and $t$ is the temperature. Then the dimensions of $\alpha$ will be
The Bernoulli's equation is given by $p +\frac{1}{2} \rho v ^{2}+ h \rho g = k$
where $p =$ pressure, $\rho =$ density, $v =$ speed, $h =$ height of the liquid column, $g=$ acceleration due to gravity and $k$ is constant. The dimensional formula for $k$ is same as that for