Which of these reactions is not a part of breakdown of ozone in stratosphere?
$Cl \dot{ O }( g )+ O ( g ) \longrightarrow \dot{ C }( g )+ O _2( g )$
$\dot{ C }( g )+ O _3( g ) \longrightarrow Cl \dot{ O }( g )+ O _2( g )$
$2 Cl \dot{ O } \longrightarrow ClO _2( g )+ Ci ( g )$
$CF _2 Cl _2( g ) \stackrel{ uv }{\longrightarrow} \dot{ Cl }( g )+\dot{ C } F _2 Cl ( g )$
What are pesticides and herbicides? Explain giving examples.
For your agricultural field or garden you have developed a compost producing pit. Discuss the process in the light of bad odour, flies and recycling of wastes for a good produce.
How the nitrogen oxide is made ? and How the excessive amount of nitrogen oxide is harmful ?
Define environmental chemistry.
Statues and monuments in India are affected by acid rain. How?