Which one of the following is the correct statement ?
Boric acid is a protonic acid
Beryllium exhibits coordination number of six
Chlorides of both beryllium and aluminium have bridged chloride structures in solid phase
$B_2H_6\cdot 2NH_3 $ is known as 'inorganic benzene'
Explain the following :
$(1)$ Gallium has higher ionisation enthalpy than aluminum.
$(2)$ Boron does not exist as $B^{3+}$ ion.
Aluminium trifluoride is insoluble in anhydrous $HF$ but dissolves on addition of $NaF$. Aluminium trifluoride precipitates out of the resulting solution when gaseous $BF $$_{3}$ is bubbled through. Give reasons.
Anhydrous aluminium chloride $(Al_2Cl_6)$ is covalent compound and soluble in water giving
The hardest substance amongst the following is
Which elements of group $13$ possess both $+1$ and $+3$ oxidation state?