Write balanced equations for:

$(i)$ $BF _{3}+ LiH \rightarrow$

$(ii)$ $B _{2} H _{6}+ H _{2} O \rightarrow$

$(\text { iii }) NaH + B _{2} H _{6} \rightarrow$

$(i v) H_{3} B O_{3} \stackrel{\Delta}{\longrightarrow}$

$( v ) Al + NaOH \rightarrow$

$( v i ) B _{2} H _{6}+ NH _{3} \rightarrow$

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$(i)$ $\underset{Boron\,trifluoride}{\mathop{2B{{F}_{3}}}}\,\quad +\quad \underset{Lithium\,\,hydride}{\mathop{6LiH}}\,\quad \to \underset{Diborane}{\mathop{{{B}_{2}}{{H}_{6}}}}\,+\underset{Lithium\,fluoride}{\mathop{6LiF}}\,$

$(ii)$ $\underset{Diborane}{\mathop{{{B}_{2}}{{H}_{6}}}}\,+\underset{water}{\mathop{6{{H}_{2}}O}}\,\to \underset{Orthoboric\,acid}{\mathop{2{{H}_{3}}B{{O}_{3}}}}\,+\underset{Hydrogen}{\mathop{6{{H}_{2}}}}\,$

$(iii)$ $\mathop {{B_2}{H_6}}\limits_{Diborane}  + \mathop {2NaH}\limits_{Sodium\,\,hydride} \xrightarrow{{ether}}\mathop {2NaB{H_4}}\limits_{Sodium\,\,borohydride}$

$(iv)$ $4{H_3}B{O_3}\xrightarrow[{ - 4{H_2}O}]{}\mathop {4HB{O_2}}\limits_{Metaboric\,\,acid} \xrightarrow[{ - {H_2}O}]{{410\,K}}$ $\mathop {{H_2}{B_4}{O_7}}\limits_{Tetraboric\,\,acid} \xrightarrow[{ - {H_2}O}]{{read\,\,hot}}\mathop {2{B_2}{O_3}}\limits_{NBoron\,\,\,trioxide}$

$(v)$ $2AL + 2NaOH + 6{H_2}O \to \mathop {2N{a^ + }\left[ {Al{{\left( {OH} \right)}_4}} \right]_{\left( {aq} \right)}^ - }\limits_{Sodium\,\,tetrahydroxoalu\min ate\left( {III} \right)}  + 3{H_2}$

$(vi)$ $3{B_2}{H_6} + 6N{H_3} \to 3\left[ {B{H_2}{{\left( {N{H_3}} \right)}_2}} \right]{\left[ {B{H_4}} \right]^ - } \to \mathop {2{B_3}{N_3}{H_6}}\limits_{borazene}  + 12{H_2}$

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  • [NEET 2016]