Write the displacement variable in simple pendulum and the propagation of light.
A second's pendulum is mounted in a rocket. Its period of oscillation decreases when the rocket
A simple pendulum is suspended in a car. The car starts moving on a horizontal road according to equation $x\, = \,\frac{g}{2}\,\sqrt 3 {t^2}$. Find the time period of oscillation of the pendulum.
${T}_{0}$ is the time period of a simple pendulum at a place. If the length of the pendulum is reduced to $\frac{1}{16}$ times of its initial value, the modified time
At which position in the string of simple pendulum has maximum tension ?
A simple pendulum of length $L$ is constructed from a point object of mass $m$ suspended by a massless string attached to a fixed pivot point. $A$ small peg is placed a distance $2L/3$ directly below the fixed pivot point so that the pendulum would swing as shown in the figure below. The mass is displaced $5$ degrees from the vertical and released. How long does it take to return to its starting position?