$1$ poiseille $=$ .......... poise
The terminal velocity of a copper ball of radius $2.0 \;mm$ falling through a tank of oll at $20\,^{\circ} C$ is $6.5 \;cm s ^{-1} .$ Compute the viscosity of the oil at $20\,^{\circ} C .$ Density of oil is $1.5 \times 10^{3} \;kg m ^{-3},$ density of copper is $8.9 \times 10^{3} \;kg m ^{-3}$
A spherical solid ball of volume $V$ is made of a material of density $\rho_1$ . It is falling through a liquid of density $\rho_2 (\rho_2 < \rho_1 )$. Assume that the liquid applies a viscous force on the ball that is proportional to the square of its speed $v$, i.e., $F_{viscous}= -kv^2 (k >0 )$,The terminal speed of the ball is
The terminal velocity of a copper ball of radius $5\,mm$ falling through a tank of oil at room temperature is $10\,cm\,s ^{-1}$. If the viscosity of oil at room temperature is $0.9\,kg\,m ^{-1} s ^{-1}$, the viscous drag force is :
In an experiment, a small steel ball falls through a Iiquid at a constant speed of $10\, cm/s$. If the steel ball is pulled upward with a force equal to twice its effective weight, how fast will it move upward ? ......... $cm/s$
Assume that, the drag force on a football depends only on the density of the air, velocity of the ball and the cross-sectional area of the ball. Balls of different sizes but the same density are dropped in an air column. The terminal velocity reached by balls of masses $250 \,g$ and $125 \,g$ are in the ratio