$A$ and $B$ are two radioactive substances whose half lives are $1$ and $2$ years respectively. Initially $10\, gm$ of $A$ and $1\, gm$ of $B$ is taken. The time (approximate) after which they will have same quantity remaining is ........... $years$
$x$ fraction of a radioactive sample decay in $t$ time. How much fraction will decay in $2t$ time
There are two radionuclei $A$ and $B.$ $A$ is an alpha emitter and $B$ is a beta emitter. Their distintegration constants are in the ratio of $1 : 2.$ What should be the ratio of number of atoms of two at time $t = 0$ so that probabilities of getting $\alpha$ and $\beta$ particles are same at time $t = 0.$
At any instant, two elements $X _1$ and $X _2$ have same number of radioactive atoms. If the decay constant of $X _1$ and $X _2$ are $10 \lambda$ and $\lambda$ respectively. then the time when the ratio of their atoms becomes $\frac{1}{e}$ respectively will be
The rate of disintegration was observed to be ${10^{17}}$ disintegrations per sec when its half life period is $1445$ years. The original number of particles are
A piece of bone of an animal from a ruin is found to have $^{14}C$ activity of $12$ disintegrations per minute per gm of its carbon content. The $^{14}C$ activity of a living animal is $16$ disintegrations per minute per gm. How long ago nearly did the animal die? ............$years$ (Given halflife of $^{14}C$ is $t_{1/2} = 5760\,years$ )