A clock $S$ is based on oscillation of a spring and a clock $P$ is based on pendulum motion. Both clocks run at the same rate on earth. On a planet having the same density as earth but twice the radius
$S$ will run faster than $P$
$P$ will run faster than $S$
They will both run at the same rate as on the earth
None of these
Radius of the earth is $R$. If a body is taken to a height $3R$ from the surface of the earth than change in potential energy will be
A particle of mass $M$ is placed at the centre of a uniform spherical shell of mass $2M$ and radius $R$. The gravitational potential on the surface of the shell is
If the distance between centres of earth and moon is $D$ and the mass of earth is $81\, times$ the mass of moon, then at what distance from centre of earth the gravitational force will be zero
At what height above the earth's surface is the value of $'g'$ is same as in a $200\, km$ deep mine ........ $km$
The two planets have radii $r_1$ and $r_2$ and their densities $p_1$ and $p_2$ respectively. The ratio of acceleration due to gravity on them will be