A flat circular disc has a charge $ + Q$ uniformly distributed on the disc. A charge $ + q$ is thrown with kinetic energy $E$ towards the disc along its normal axis. The charge $q$ will
Hit the disc at the centre
Return back along its path after touching the disc
Return back along its path without touching the disc
Any of the above three situations is possible depending on the magnitude of $E$
What is called electric field ?
Which of the following is deflected by electric field
Diagram shows symmetrically placed rectangular insulators with uniformly charged distributions of equal magnitude. At the origin, the net field net ${\vec E_{net}}$ is :-
$ABC$ is an equilateral triangle. Charges $ + \,q$ are placed at each corner. The electric intensity at $O$ will be
A positively charged pendulum is oscillating in a uniform electric field pointing upwards. Its time period as compared to that when it oscillates without electric field