A gas is compressed isothermally to half its initial volume. The same gas is compressed separately through an adiabatic process until its volume is again reduced to half. Then

  • [NEET 2016]
  • A

    Compressing the gas through adiabatic process will require more work to be done.

  • B

    Compressing the gas isothermally or adiabatically will require the same amount of work.

  • C

    Which of the case (whether compression through isothermal or through adiabatic process) requires more work will depend upon the atomicity of the gas.

  • D

    Compressing the gas isothermally will require more work to be done.

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Column$-I$ Column$-II$
$(a)$ Adiabatic $(i)$ $\Delta Q = \Delta U$
$(b)$ Isothermal $(ii)$ $\Delta Q = \Delta W$
    $(iii)$ $\Delta U = -\Delta W$

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  • [AIIMS 2011]

An ideal gas at pressure $P$ and volume $V$ is expanded to volume$ 2V.$ Column $I$ represents the thermodynamic processes used during expansion. Column $II$ represents the work during these processes in the random order.:

Column $I$ Column $II$
 $(p)$ isobaric $(x)$ $\frac{{PV(1 - {2^{1 - \gamma }})}}{{\gamma  - 1}}$
$(q)$ isothermal $(y)$ $PV$
$(r)$ adiabatic (z) $PV\,\iota n\,2$

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