A particle is moving in a straight line with initial velocity and uniform acceleration $a$. If the sum of the distance travelled in $t^{\text {th }}$ and $( t +1)^{ th }$ seconds is $100 cm$, then its velocity after $t$ seconds, in $.........cm / s$, is
If $x \propto {t^{5/2}}$ , then
Consider the acceleration, velocity and displacement of a tennis ball as it falls to the ground and bounces back. Directions of which of these changes in the process
The $v - t$ graph of a moving object is given in figure. The maximum acceleration is...........$\mathrm{cm/sec}^{2}$
Velocity of a particle is in negative direction with constant acceleration in positive direction. Then, match the following columns.
Colum $I$ | Colum $II$ |
$(A)$ Velocity-time graph | $(p)$ Slope $\rightarrow$ negative |
$(B)$ Acceleration-time graph | $(q)$ Slope $\rightarrow$ positive |
$(C)$ Displacement-time graph | $(r)$ Slope $\rightarrow$ zero |
$(s)$ $\mid$ Slope $\mid \rightarrow$ increasing | |
$(t)$ $\mid$ Slope $\mid$ $\rightarrow$ decreasing | |
$(u)$ |Slope| $\rightarrow$ constant |
The distance travelled by a body moving along a line in time $t$ is proportional to $t^3$. The acceleration-time $(a, t)$ graph for the motion of the body will be