A point charge $q_1=4 q_0$ is placed at origin. Another point charge $q_2=-q_0$ is placed at $x =12\,cm$. Charge of proton is $q_0$. The proton is placed on $x$-axis so that the electrostatic force on the proton in zero. In this situation, the position of the proton from the origin is $..........cm$.
Two positive charges of $20$ $coulomb$ and $Q\;coulomb$ are situated at a distance of $60\,cm$. The neutral point between them is at a distance of $20\,cm$ from the $20\,coulomb$ charge. Charge $Q$ is.....$C$
The ratio of electrostatic and gravitational forces acting between electron and proton separated by a distance $5 \times {10^{ - 11}}\,m,$ will be (Charge on electron $=$ $1.6 \times 10^{-19}$ $C$, mass of electron = $ 9.1 \times 10^{-31}$ $kg$, mass of proton = $1.6 \times {10^{ - 27}}\,kg,$ $\,G = 6.7 \times {10^{ - 11}}\,N{m^2}/k{g^2})$
Three charges are placed as shown in figure. The magnitude of $q_1$ is $2.00\, \mu C$, but its sign and the value of the charge $q_2$ are not known. Charge $q_3$ is $+4.00\, \mu C$, and the net force on $q_3$ is entirely in the negative $x-$ direction. As per the condition given the sign of $q_1$ and $q_2$ will be
Two charges $-\mathrm{q}$ each are fixed separated by distance $2\mathrm{d}$. A third charge $\mathrm{d}$ of mass $m$ placed at the midpoint is displaced slightly by $x (x \,<\,<\, d)$ perpendicular to the line joining the two fixed charged as shown in figure. Show that $\mathrm{q}$ will perform simple harmonic oscillation of time period. $T =\left[\frac{8 \pi^{3} \epsilon_{0} m d^{3}}{q^{2}}\right]^{1 / 2}$
Consider three point objects $P, Q$ and $R \cdot P$ and $Q$ repel each other, while $P$ and $R$ attract. What is the nature of force between $Q$ and $R$ ?