A sells an article to $B$ making a profit of $\frac{1}{5}^{t h}$ his outlay. $B$ sells it to $C,$ gaining $20 \%$. If $C$ sells it for $Rs.\, 600$ and incurs a loss of $\frac{1}{6}^{t h}$ his outlay, the cost price of $A$ is (in $Rs.$)
Present age of Bob is equal to Abby's age $8\, years$ ago. Four years hence, the respective ratio between Bob's age and Abby's age will be $4: 5$ at that time. What is Bob's present age? (in $years$)
$'A'$ buys an article and sells it to $'B'$ at a profit of $10 \%,{ }^{\prime} B ^{\prime}$ sells it to $'C ^{\prime}$ gaining $20 \% .$ If $'C ^{\prime}$ gives $RS.\,924,$ what amount did $'A'$ give? (in $Rs.$)
The percentage profit earned by selling an article for $Rs.\,1920$ is equal to the percentage loss incurred by selling the same article for $Rs.\,1280.$ At what price should the article be sold to make $25 \%$ profit? (in $Rs.$)
A sells an article to $B$ for $Rs.\, 45,000$ losing $10 \%$ in the transaction. $B$ sells it to $C$ at a price which would have given a profit of $10 \%$ to $A$. By what per cent does $B$ gain?
A person sells taperecorders at $Rs. 1134$ each after giving a discount of $19 \%$ on the marked price. Had he not given the discount, he would have earned a profit of $40 \%$ on the cost price. The cost price of each taperecorder is (in $Rs.$)