A skylab of mass $m\,kg$ is first launched from the surface of the earth in a circular orbit of radius $2R$ (from the centre of the earth) and then it is shifted from this circular orbit to another circular orbit of radius $3R$ . The minimum energy required to shift the lab from first orbit to the second orbit are
$\frac {mgR}{6}$
$\frac {mgR}{12}$
The change in the value of $‘g’$ at a height $‘h’$ above the surface of the earth is the same as at a depth $‘d’$ below the surface of earth. When both $‘d’$ and $‘h’$ are much smaller than the radius of earth, then which one of the following is correct?
If the gravitational potential on the surface of earth is $V_0$, then potential at a point at height half of the radius of earth is ..........
In order to make the effective acceleration due to gravity equal to zero at the equator, the angular velocity of rotation of the earth about its axis should be $(g = 10\,m{s^{ - 2}}$ and radius of earth is $6400 \,kms)$
A particle is kept at rest at a distance $'R'$ from the surface of earth (of radius $R$). The minimum speed with which it should be projected so that it does not return is
A body of mass $m$ is situated at a distance equal to $2R$ ($R-$ radius of earth) from earth's surface. The minimum energy required to be given to the body so that it may escape out of earth's gravitational field will be