A solid cube and a solid sphere of the same material have equal surface area. Both are at the same temperature ${120^o}C$, then
Both the cube and the sphere cool down at the same rate
The cube cools down faster than the sphere
The sphere cools down faster than the cube
Whichever is having more mass will cool down faster
In Newton's experiment of cooling, the water equivalent of two similar calorimeters is $10 $ gm each. They are filled with $350 gm$ of water and $300 gm$ of a liquid (equal volumes) separately. The time taken by water and liquid to cool from ${70^o}C$ to ${60^o}C$ is $3$ min and $95$ sec respectively. The specific heat of the liquid will be ...... $Cal/gm\,^oC$
Ice is used in a cooler in order to cool its contents. Which of the following will speed up the cooling process?
A solid sphere and a hollow sphere of the same material and size are heated to the same temperature and allowed to cool in the same surroundings. If the temperature difference between each sphere and its surroundings is $T$, then
Two metallic spheres ${S_1}$ and ${S_2}$are made of the same material and have identical surface finish. The mass of ${S_1}$ is three times that of ${S_2}$. Both the spheres are heated to the same high temperature and placed in the same room having lower temperature but are thermally insulated from each other. The ratio of the initial rate of cooling of ${S_1}$ to that of ${S_2}$ is
A cup of coffee cools from $90^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ to $80^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ in $\mathrm{t}$ minutes, when the room temperature is $20^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$. The time taken by a similar cup of coffee to cool from $80^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ to $60^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ at a room temperature same at $20^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ is :