A steel rod has a radius $10 \,mm$ and a length of $1.0 \,m$. A force stretches it along its length and produces a strain of $0.32 \%$. Young's modulus of the steel is $2.0 \times 10^{11} \,Nm ^{-2}$. What is the magnitude of the force stretching the rod is ........ $kN$
The ratio of diameters of two wires of same material is $n : 1$. The length of wires are $4\, m$ each. On applying the same load, the increase in length of thin wire will be
A rigid massless rod of length $6\ L$ is suspended horizontally by means of two elasticrods $PQ$ and $RS$ as given figure. Their area of cross section, young's modulus and lengths are mentioned in figure. Find deflection of end $S$ in equilibrium state. Free end of rigid rod is pushed down by a constant force . $A$ is area of cross section, $Y$ is young's modulus of elasticity
A thin $1 \,m$ long rod has a radius of $5\, mm$. A force of $50\,\pi kN$ is applied at one end to determine its Young's modulus. Assume that the force is exactly known. If the least count in the measurement of all lengths is $0.01\, mm$, which of the following statements is false ?
One end of a metal wire is fixed to a ceiling and a load of $2 \mathrm{~kg}$ hangs from the other end. A similar wire is attached to the bottom of the load and another load of $1 \mathrm{~kg}$ hangs from this lower wire. Then the ratio of longitudinal strain of upper wire to that of the lower wire will be____________.
[Area of cross section of wire $=0.005 \mathrm{~cm}^2$, $\mathrm{Y}=2 \times 10^{11}\ \mathrm{Nm}^{-2}$ and $\left.\mathrm{g}=10 \mathrm{~ms}^{-2}\right]$
A mild steel wire of length $2l$ meter cross-sectional area $A \;m ^2$ is fixed horizontally between two pillars. A small mass $m \;kg$ is suspended from the mid point of the wire. If extension in wire are within elastic limit. Then depression at the mid point of wire will be .............