A wheel is rotating at $900\, r.p.m.$ about its axis. When the power is cut-off, it comes to rest in $1\,minute$ . The angular retardation in $radian/s^2$ is:-
$\pi / 2$
$\pi / 4$
$\pi / 6$
$\pi / 8$
Roads are banked on curves so that
body moves with constant angular velocity on a circle. Magnitude of angular acceleration
A particle of mass $200 \,g$ is moving in a circle of radius $2 \,m$. The particle is just 'looping the loop'. The speed of the particle and the tension in the string at highest point of the circular path are $\left(g=10 \,ms ^{-2}\right)$
A fly wheel is accelerated uniformly from rest and rotates through $5 \,rad$ in the first second. The angle rotated by the fly wheel in the next second, will be.........$rad$
A particle is moving with constant speed $\sqrt 2\,m/s$ on a circular path of radius $10\,cm$. Find the magnitude of average velocity when it has covered ${\left( {\frac{3}{4}} \right)^{th}}$ circular path