An electron enters between two horizontal plates separated by $2\,mm$ and having a potential difference of $1000\,V$. The force on electron is
$8 \times {10^{ - 12}}\,\, N$
$8 \times {10^{ - 14}}\,\, N$
$8 \times {10^9}\,\, N$
$8 \times {10^{14}}$ $N$
Two plates are at potentials $-10\, V$ and $+30\, V$. If the separation between the plates be $2\, cm$. The electric field between them is.......$V/m$
Electric potential is given by
$V = 6x - 8x{y^2} - 8y + 6yz - 4{z^2}$
Then electric force acting on $2\,C$ point charge placed on origin will be......$N$
The electric potential varies in space according to the relation $V = 3x + 4y$. A particle of mass $0.1\,\, kg$ starts from rest from point $(2, 3·2)$ under the influence of this field. The charge on the particle is $+1\,\, μC$. Assume $V$ and $(x, y)$ are in $S.I.$ $units$ . The time taken to cross the $x-$ axis is.....$s$
The potential (in volts ) of a charge distribution is given by
$V(z)\, = \,30 - 5{z^2}for\,\left| z \right| \le 1\,m$
$V(z)\, = \,35 - 10\,\left| z \right|for\,\left| z \right| \ge 1\,m$
$V(z)$ does not depend on $x$ and $y.$ If this potential is generated by a constant charge per unit volume $\rho _0$ (in units of $\varepsilon _0$ ) which is spread over a certain region, then choose the correct statement
Two metal pieces having a potential difference of $800 \;V$ are $0.02\; m$ apart horizontally. A particle of mass $1.96 \times 10^{-15} \;kg$ is suspended in equilibrium between the plates. If $e$ is the elementary charge, then charge on the particle is