At a given instant, say $t = 0,$ two radioactive substances $A$ and $B$ have equal activates. The ratio $\frac{{{R_B}}}{{{R_A}}}$ of their activities. The ratio $\frac{{{R_B}}}{{{R_A}}}$ of their activates after time $t$ itself decays with time $t$ as $e^{-3t}.$ If the half-life of $A$ is $ln2,$ the half-life of $B$ is
$\frac {ln2}{2}$
$\frac {ln2}{4}$
The half-life of radium is about $1600$ years. Of $100\, g$ of radium existing now, $25\, g$ will remain unchanged after .......... $years$
Calculate the time (in $minutes$) interval between $33 \,\%$ decay and $67\, \%$ decay if half-life of a substance is $20\, minutes.$
According to classical physics, $10^{-15}\ m$ is distance of closest approach $(d_c)$ for fusion to occur between two protons. A more accurate and quantum approach says that ${d_c} = \frac{{{\lambda _p}}}{{\sqrt 2 }}$ where $'\lambda _p'$ is de-broglie's wavelength of proton when they were far apart. Using quantum approach, find equation of temperature at centre of star. [Given: $M_p$ is mass of proton, $k$ is boltzman constant]
Starting with a sample of pure ${}^{66}Cu,\frac{7}{8}$ of it decays into $Zn$ in $15\, minutes$. The corresponding half life is..........$minutes$
The decay constant of radium is $4.28 \times {10^{ - 4}}$ per year. Its half life will be ..........$years$