Consider the following statements:

$I$. All isotopes of an element have the same number of neutrons.

$II$. Only one isotope of an element can be stable and non-radioactive.

$III$. All elements have isotopes.

$IV$. All isotopes of carbon can form chemical compounds with oxygen-$16$.

Choose the correct option regarding an isotope.

  • [KVPY 2014]
  • A

    Statements $III$ and $IV$ are correct

  • B

    Statements $II, III$ and $IV$ are correct

  • C

    Statements $I, II$ and $III$ are correct

  • D

    Statements $I, III$ and $IV$ are correct

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Match List $- I$ (Experiment performed) with List $-II$ (Phenomena discovered/associated) and select the correct option from the options given the lists

List $- I$ List $- II$
$(1)$ Davisson and Genner $(i)$ Wave nature of electrons
$(2)$ Millikan's oil drop experiment $(ii)$ Charge of an electron
$(3)$ Rutherford experiment $(iii)$ Quantisation of energy levels
$(4)$ Franck-Hertz experiment $(iv)$ Existence of nucleus

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Reason $(R)$ : Magnetic moment of the revolving electron, $\mu \propto n$.

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