Contrapositive of the statement “If two numbers are not equal, then their squares are not equals” is
If the squares of two numbers are not equal, then the numbers are equal
If the squares of two numbers are equal, then the numbers are not equal
If the squares of two numbers are equal, then the numbers are equal
If the squares of two numbers are not equal, then the numbers are not equal
The compound statement $(\sim( P \wedge Q )) \vee((\sim P ) \wedge Q ) \Rightarrow((\sim P ) \wedge(\sim Q ))$ is equivalent to
Statement $\quad(P \Rightarrow Q) \wedge(R \Rightarrow Q)$ is logically equivalent to
Which Venn diagram represent the truth of the statement“Some teenagers are not dreamers”
Let $p$ and $q$ denote the following statements
$p$ : The sun is shining
$q$ : I shall play tennis in the afternoon
The negation of the statement "If the sun is shining then I shall play tennis in the afternoon", is
Negation of statement "If I will go to college, then I will be an engineer" is -