During the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a medium
Electric energy density is half of the magnetic energy density
Electric energy density is equal to the magnetic energy density
Both electric and magnetic energy densities are zero
Electric energy density is double of the magnetic energy density
A plane electromagnetic wave travelling along the $X$-direction has a wavelength of $3\ mm$ . The variation in the electric field occurs in the $Y$-direction with an amplitude $66\ Vm^{-1}$. The equations for the electric and magnetic fields as a function of $x$ and $t$ are respectively :-
An $LC$ resonant circuit contains a $400 pF$ capacitor and a $100\mu H$ inductor. It is set into oscillation coupled to an antenna. The wavelength of the radiated electromagnetic waves is
Which scientist first time produced electromagnetic waves in laboratory?
Figure given shows the face of a cathode-ray oscilloscope tube, as viewed from in front. $i.e.$ the electron beam is coming out normally from the plane of the paper. The electron beam passes through a region where there are electric and magnetic fields directed as shown. The deflections of the spot from the center of the screen produced by the electric field $E$ and the magnetic field $B$ separately are equal in magnitude. Which one of the diagrams below shows a possible position of the spot on the screen when both fields are operating?
A plane electromagnetic wave travels in free space along the $x -$ direction. The electric field component of the wave at a particular point of space and time is $E =6\; Vm^{-1}$ along $y -$ direction. Its corresponding magnetic filed component, $B$ would be