Make correct statements by filling in the symbols $\subset$ or $ \not\subset $ in the blank spaces:
$\{ x:x$ is a student of class $\mathrm{XI}$ of your school $\} \ldots \{ x:x$ student of your school $\} $
Which of the following are examples of the null set
$\{ x:x$ is a natural numbers, $x\, < \,5$ and $x\, > \,7\} $
List all the elements of the following sers :
$F = \{ x:x$ is a consonant in the Englishalphabet which precedes $k\} $
Let $A=\{1,2,\{3,4\}, 5\} .$ Which of the following statements are incorrect and why ?
$\{ \{ 3,4\} \} \subset A$
The smallest set $A$ such that $A \cup \{1, 2\} = \{1, 2, 3, 5, 9\}$ is