The variance of first $50$ even natural numbers is
The first of the two samples in a group has $100$ items with mean $15$ and standard deviation $3 .$ If the whole group has $250$ items with mean $15.6$ and standard deviation $\sqrt{13.44}$, then the standard deviation of the second sample is:
A data consists of $n$ observations
${x_1},{x_2},......,{x_n}.$ If $\sum\limits_{i - 1}^n {{{({x_i} + 1)}^2}} = 9n$ and $\sum\limits_{i - 1}^n {{{({x_i} - 1)}^2}} = 5n,$ then the standard deviation of this data is
The average marks of $10$ students in a class was $60$ with a standard deviation $4$, while the average marks of other ten students was $40$ with a standard deviation $6$. If all the $20$ students are taken together, their standard deviation will be
For a given distribution of marks mean is $35.16$ and its standard deviation is $19.76$. The co-efficient of variation is..