For any $\theta \, \in \,\left( {\frac{\pi }{4},\frac{\pi }{2}} \right)$, the expression $3\,{\left( {\sin \,\theta - \cos \,\theta } \right)^4} + 6{\left( {\sin \,\theta + \cos \,\theta } \right)^2} + 4\,{\sin ^6}\,\theta $ equals
$13 - 4\,{\cos ^2}\,\theta \, + 6\,{\sin ^2}\,\theta \,{\cos ^2}\,\theta $
$13 - 4\,{\cos ^6}\,\theta \,$
$13 - 4\,{\cos ^2}\,\theta \, + 6\,\,{\cos ^4}\,\theta $
$13 - 4\,{\cos ^4}\,\theta \, + 2\,{\sin ^2}\,\theta \,{\cos ^2}\,\theta $
The value of $\tan 9^{\circ}-\tan 27^{\circ}-\tan 63^{\circ}+\tan 81^{\circ}$ is $............$.
If $\tan x + \tan \left( {\frac{\pi }{3} + x} \right) + \tan \left( {\frac{{2\pi }}{3} + x} \right) = 3,$ then
If $k = \sin \frac{\pi }{{18}}\,.\,\sin \frac{{5\pi }}{{18}}\,.\,\sin \frac{{7\pi }}{{18}},$ then the numerical value of $k$ is
The exact value of $\cos \frac{{2\pi }}{{28}}\,\cos ec\frac{{3\pi }}{{28}}\, + \,\cos \frac{{6\pi }}{{28}}\,\cos ec\frac{{9\pi }}{{28}} + \cos \frac{{18\pi }}{{28}}\cos ec\frac{{27\pi }}{{28}}$ is equal to
Which of the following functions have the maximum value unity ?