For positive numbers $x,y$ and $z$ the numerical value of the determinant $\left| {\,\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}1&{{{\log }_x}y}&{{{\log }_x}z}\\{{{\log }_y}x}&1&{{{\log }_y}z}\\{{{\log }_z}x}&{{{\log }_z}y}&1\end{array}\,} \right|$is
${\log _e}xyz$
None of these
The system of equations : $2x\, \cos^2\theta + y\, \sin2\theta - 2\sin\theta = 0$ $x\, \sin2\theta + 2y\, \sin^2\theta = - 2\, \cos\theta$ $x\, \sin\theta - y \cos\theta = 0$ , for all values of $\theta$ , can
Find equation of line joining $(1,2)$ and $(3,6)$ using determinates
If the system of equations
$x-2 y+3 z=9$
$2 x+y+z=b$
$x-7 y+a z=24$
has infinitely many solutions, then $a - b$ is equal to
The value of $\left| {\,\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}1&{\cos (\beta - \alpha )}&{\cos (\gamma - \alpha )}\\{\cos (\alpha - \beta )}&1&{\cos (\gamma - \beta )}\\{\cos (\alpha - \gamma )}&{\cos (\beta - \gamma )}&1\end{array}} \right|$ is
If $A$, $B$ and $C$ are square matrices of order $3$ such that $A = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} x&0&1 \\ 0&y&0 \\ 0&0&z \end{array}} \right]$ and $\left| B \right| = 36$, $\left| C \right| = 4$, $\left( {x,y,z \in N} \right)$ and $\left| {ABC} \right| = 1152$ then the minimum value of $x + y + z$ is