Given below are two statements: One is labelled as Assertion $A$ and the other is labelled as Reason $R$.

Assertion $A$ : Product of Pressure $(P)$ and time $(t)$ has the same dimension as that of coefficient of viscosity.

Reason $R$ : Coefficient of viscosity $=\frac{\text { Force }}{\text { Velocity gradient }}$

Question : Choose the correct answer from the options given below 

  • [JEE MAIN 2022]
  • A

    Both $A$ and $R$ true, and $R$ is correct explanation of $A$

  • B

    Both $A$ and $R$ are true but $R$ is $NOT$ the correct explanation of $A$.

  • C

    $A$ is true but $R$ is false.

  • D

    $A$ is false but $R$ is true.

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