Given below are two statements:
Statement $I:$ Area under velocity- time graph gives the distance travelled by the body in a given time.
Statement $II:$ Area under acceleration- time graph is equal to the change in velocity- in the given time.
In the light of given statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below.
Both Statement $I$ and Statement $II$ are true.
Statement $I$ is correct but Statement $II$ is false.
Statement $I$ is incorrect but Statement $II$ is true.
Both Statement $I$ and Statement $II$ are False.
The acceleration-time graph for a particle moving along $x$-axis is shown in figure. If the initial velocity of particle is $-5 \,m / s$, the velocity at $t=8 \,s$ is ....... $m / s$
The initial velocity of a particle moving along $x$-axis is $u$ (at $t=0$ and $x=0$ ) and its acceleration $a$ is given by $a=k x$. Which of the following equation is correct between its velocity $(v)$ and position $(x)$ ?
Acceleration-time graph of a body is shown. The corresponding velocity-time graph of the same body is
A particle moves along a straight line. Its position at any instant is given by $x=32 t-\frac{8 t^3}{4}$, where $x$ is in metre and $t$ is in second. Find the acceleration of the particle at the instant when particle is at rest $..........\,m / s ^2$
Relation between velocity and displacement is $v = x^2$. Find acceleration at $x = 3m$ :- ............. $\mathrm{m/s}^{2}$