Gravitation is the phenomenon of interaction between ............
Point masses only
Any arbitrary shaped masses
Planets only
None of these
Which of the following graph represents the variations of acceleration due to gravity $(g)$ with distance $r$ from the centre of earth?
Two stars of masses $m_1$ and $m_2$ are parts of a binary star system. The radii of their orbits are $r_1$ and $r_2$ respectively, measured from the centre of mass of the system. The magnitude of gravitational force $m_1$ exerts on $m_2$ is
A rocket is projected in the vertically upwards direction with a velocity kve where $v_e$ is escape velocity and $k < 1$. The distance from the centre of earth upto which the rocket will reach, will be
Suppose the gravitational force varies inversely as the $n^{th}$ power of the distance. Then, the time period of a planet in circular orbit of radius $R$ around the sun will be proportional to
If the radius of the earth were shrink by $1\%$ and its mass remaining the same, the acceleration due to gravity on the earth's surface would