How is an atom represented ? Why?
The positive charge in the nucleus is that of the protons.
A proton carries one unit of fundamental charge and is stable.
All the electrons of an atoms are outside the nucleus and revolving around it in a circular orbit because of the coulomb force.
The number of electrons in the atom is called the atomic number $Z$. Hence the total charge of electrons of atom is $(-Ze)$.
Since the atom is neutral, the charge of the nucleus is $(+ Ze)$ Hence, the number of protons in the nucleus of the atom is the atomic number $Z$.
How the radius of the nucleus is estimated ? Write its relation to radius and atomic mass number.
A nucleus has mass number $A_1$ and volume $V_1$.
Another nucleus has mass number $A_2$ and volume $V_2$. If relation between mass number is $A_2=4 A_1$, then $\frac{V_2}{V_1}=$_____.
In the following reaction $_{12}M{g^{24}}{ + _2}H{e^4}{ \to _{14}}S{i^X}{ + _0}{n^1},X$ is
Size of nucleus is of the order of
How many times is the density of the nucleus more than the density of water ?