Identify the pair of physical quantities that have same dimensions
velocity gradient and decay constant
wien's constant and Stefan constant
angular frequency and angular momentum
wave number and Avogadro number
The time dependence of a physical quantity $P$ is given by $P\, = \,{P_0}\,{e^{ - \alpha {t^2}}}$ where $\alpha $ is a constant and $t$ is the time then constant $\alpha $ is
The physical quantity $'$Energy Density$'$ has same dimensional formula as
A force is represented by $\mathrm{F}=a \mathrm{x}^2+\mathrm{bt}^{1 / 2}$. Where $\mathrm{x}=$ distance and $\mathrm{t}=$ time. The dimensions of $\mathrm{b}^2 / \mathrm{a}$ are :
Which of the following is dimensionally correct
The dimensional formula $[ML^0T^{-3}]$ is more closely associated with