If $A = \{ x:x$ is a natural number $\} ,B = \{ x:x$ is an even natural number $\} $ $C = \{ x:x$ is an odd natural number $\} $ and $D = \{ x:x$ is a prime number $\} ,$ find $A \cap D$


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$A = \{ x:x$ is a natural number $\}  = \{ 1,2,3,4,5 \ldots \} $

$B = \{ x:x$ is an even natural number $\}  = \{ 2,4,6,8 \ldots \} $

$C = \{ x:x$ is an odd natural number $\}  = \{ 1,3,5,7,9 \ldots \} $

$D = \{ x:x$ is a primenumber $\}  = \{ 2,3,5,7 \ldots \}$

$A \cap D = \{ x:x$ is a prime number $\}  = D$

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