If $\left\{a_{i}\right\}_{i=1}^{n}$ where $n$ is an even integer, is an arithmetic progression with common difference $1$ , and $\sum \limits_{ i =1}^{ n } a _{ i }=192, \sum \limits_{ i =1}^{ n / 2} a _{2 i }=120$, then $n$ is equal to
Consider a sequence whose sum of first $n$ -terms is given by $S_n = 4n^2 + 6n, n \in N$, then $T_{15}$ of this sequence is -
If $a,\;b,\;c,\;d,\;e,\;f$ are in $A.P.$, then the value of $e - c$ will be
If the sum of $n$ terms of an $A.P.$ is $3 n^{2}+5 n$ and its $m^{\text {th }}$ term is $164,$ find the value of $m$
If ${a_1},\;{a_2},\;{a_3}.......{a_n}$ are in $A.P.$, where ${a_i} > 0$ for all $i$, then the value of $\frac{1}{{\sqrt {{a_1}} + \sqrt {{a_2}} }} + \frac{1}{{\sqrt {{a_2}} + \sqrt {{a_3}} }} + $ $........ + \frac{1}{{\sqrt {{a_{n - 1}}} + \sqrt {{a_n}} }} = $
If $x_1 , x_2 , ..... , x_n$ and $\frac{1}{{{h_1}}},\frac{1}{{{h^2}}},......\frac{1}{{{h_n}}}$ are two $A.P' s$ such that $x_3 = h_2 = 8$ and $x_8 = h_7 = 20$, then $x_5. h_{10}$ equals