If $X = \{ {4^n} - 3n - 1:n \in N\} $ and $Y = \{ 9(n - 1):n \in N\} ,$ then $X \cup Y$ is equal to
None of these
Suppose ${A_1},\,{A_2},\,{A_3},........,{A_{30}}$ are thirty sets each having $5$ elements and ${B_1},\,{B_2}, ......., B_n$ are $n$ sets each with $3$ elements. Let $\bigcup\limits_{i = 1}^{30} {{A_i}} = \bigcup\limits_{j = 1}^n {{B_j}} = S$ and each elements of $S$ belongs to exactly $10$ of the $A_i's$ and exactly $9$ of the $B_j's$. Then $n$ is equal to
Let $A = \{x:x \in R,\,|x|\, < 1\}\,;$ $B = \{x:x \in R,\,|x - 1| \ge 1\}$ and $A \cup B = R - D,$then the set $D$ is
$S=\{(x, y, z): x, y, z \in Z, x+2 y+3 z=42$ $\mathrm{x}, \mathrm{y}, \mathrm{z} \geq 0\}$ ...........
Consider the two sets :
$A=\{m \in R:$ both the roots of $x^{2}-(m+1) x+m+4=0$ are real $\}$ and $B=[-3,5)$
Which of the following is not true?
Let $S$ be the set of all ordered pairs $(x, y)$ of positive integers satisfying the condition $x^2-y^2=12345678$. Then,