If ${z_1}{\rm{ and }}{z_2}$ be complex numbers such that ${z_1} \ne {z_2}$ and $|{z_1}|\, = \,|{z_2}|$. If ${z_1}$ has positive real part and ${z_2}$ has negative imaginary part, then $\frac{{({z_1} + {z_2})}}{{({z_1} - {z_2})}}$may be
Purely imaginary
Real and positive
Real and negative
None of these
For any two complex numbers ${z_1},{z_2}$we have $|{z_1} + {z_2}{|^2} = $ $|{z_1}{|^2} + |{z_2}{|^2}$ then
Lets $S=\{z \in C:|z-1|=1$ and $(\sqrt{2}-1)(z+\bar{z})-i(z-\bar{z})=2 \sqrt{2}\}$. Let $\mathrm{z}_1, \mathrm{z}_2$ $\in S$ be such that $\left|z_1\right|=\max _{z \in S}|z|$ and $\left|z_2\right|=\min _{z \in S}|z|$. Then $\left|\sqrt{2} z_1-z_2\right|^2$ equals :
If $\frac{{z - i}}{{z + i}}(z \ne - i)$ is a purely imaginary number, then $z.\bar z$ is equal to
If $z$ and $w$ are two complex numbers such that $|zw| = 1$ and $arg(z) -arg(w) =\frac {\pi }{2},$ then
Let $z$ be complex number such that $\left|\frac{z-i}{z+2 i}\right|=1$ and $|z|=\frac{5}{2} \cdot$ Then the value of $|z+3 i|$ is