If $^n{C_3} + {\,^n}{C_4} > {\,^{n + 1}}{C_3},$ then
$n > 6$
$n > 7$
$n < 6$
None of these
How many different words can be formed by jumbling the letters in the word $MISSISSIPPI$ in which no two $S$ are adjacent $?$
If $^n{C_{12}} = {\,^n}{C_6}$, then $^n{C_2} = $
Six ‘$+$’ and four ‘$-$’ signs are to placed in a straight line so that no two ‘$-$’ signs come together, then the total number of ways are
The English alphabet has $5$ vowels and $21$ consonants. How many words with two different vowels and $2$ different consonants can be formed from the alphabet?
Suppose Anil's mother wants to give $5$ whole fruits to Anil from a basket of $7$ red apples, $5$ white apples and $8$ oranges. If in the selected $5$ fruits, at least $2$ orange, at least one red apple and at least one white apple must be given, then the number of ways, Anil's mother can offer $5$ fruits to Anil is $........$