If $p, q, r$ are simple propositions, then $(p \wedge q) \wedge (q \wedge r)$ is true then
$p, q, r$ are all false
$p, q, r$ are all true
$p, q$ are true and $r$ is false
$p$ is true and $q$ and $r$ are false
Let $p , q , r$ be three statements such that the truth value of $( p \wedge q ) \rightarrow(\sim q \vee r )$ is $F$. Then the truth values of $p , q , r$ are respectively
$(p\; \wedge \sim q) \wedge (\sim p \vee q)$ is
Which of the following Venn diagram corresponds to the statement “All mothers are women” ($M$ is the set of all mothers, $W$ is the set of all women)
If the Boolean expression $( p \wedge q ) \circledast( p \otimes q )$ is a tautology, then $\circledast$ and $\otimes$ are respectively given by
Which of the following statement is true