If $V$ denotes the potential difference across the plates of a capacitor of capacitance $C$, the dimensions of $C{V^2}$are
Not expressible in $MLT$
$ML{T^{ - 2}}$
${M^2}L{T^{ - 1}}$
$M{L^2}{T^{ - 2}}$
Which of the following pair of quantities do not have the same dimensions
Which of the following dimensions will be the same as that of time?
A physical quantity of the dimensions of length that can be formed out of $c, G$ and $\frac{e^2}{4\pi \varepsilon _0}$ is $[c$ is velocity of light, $G$ is the universal constant of gravitation and $e$ is charge $] $
The pair having the same dimensions is
If $w, x, y$ and $z$ are mass, length, time and current respectively, then $\frac{x^2w}{y^3z}$ has dimensional formula same as