If a particle moves in a circle describing equal angles in equal times, its velocity vector
Remains constant
Changes in magnitude
Changes in direction
Changes both in magnitude and direction
If the equation for the displacement of a particle moving on a circular path is given by $(\theta) = 2t^3 + 0.5$, where $\theta$ is in radians and $t$ in seconds, then the angular velocity of the particle after $2\, sec$ from its start is ......... $rad/sec$
A particle is moving with constant speed $v$ in $x y$ plane as shown in figure. The magnitude of its angular velocity about point $O$ is .........
A particle moves in a circle of radius $5 \;cm$ with constant speed and time period $0.2 \pi\; sec$. The acceleration of the particle is .... $m/sec^2$
A particle is moving with a constant speed $v$ in a circle. What is the magnitude of average velocity after half rotation
For a particle in circular motion the centripetal acceleration is