If the data $x_1, x_2, ...., x_{10}$ is such that the mean of first four of these is $11$, the mean of the remaining six is $16$ and the sum of squares of all of these is $2,000$; then the standard deviation of this data is
$2\sqrt 2 $
$\sqrt 2 $
In a series of $2n$ observations half of them equals $a$ and remaining half equals $-a$. If the standard deviation of observations is $2$ then $\left| a \right|$ equals
Let $X _{1}, X _{2}, \ldots, X _{18}$ be eighteen observations such that $\sum_{ i =1}^{18}\left( X _{ i }-\alpha\right)=36 \quad$ and $\sum_{i=1}^{18}\left(X_{i}-\beta\right)^{2}=90,$ where $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are distinct real numbers. If the standard deviation of these observations is $1,$ then the value of $|\alpha-\beta|$ is ...... .
The mean and $S.D.$ of $1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6$ is
The number of values of $a \in N$ such that the variance of $3,7,12 a, 43-a$ is a natural number is (Mean $=13$)
The mean and variance of $10$ observations were calculated as $15$ and $15$ respectively by a student who took by mistake $25$ instead of $15$ for one observation. Then, the correct standard deviation is$.....$