If the equation, $x^{2}+b x+45=0(b \in R)$ has conjugate complex roots and they satisfy $|z+1|=2 \sqrt{10},$ then
If $z$ is a complex number such that $| z | = 4$ and $arg \,(z) = \frac {5\pi }{6}$ , then $z$ is equal to
The amplitude of $0$ is
Let $\alpha=8-14 i , A=\left\{ z \in C : \frac{\alpha z -\bar{\alpha} \overline{ z }}{ z ^2-(\overline{ z })^2-112 i }=1\right\}$ and $B =\{ z \in C :| z +3 i |=4\}$ Then $\sum_{z \in A \cap B}(\operatorname{Re} z-\operatorname{Im} z)$ is equal to $...............$.
$|{z_1} + {z_2}|\, = \,|{z_1}| + |{z_2}|$ is possible if
If $|z|\, = 1,(z \ne - 1)$and $z = x + iy,$then $\left( {\frac{{z - 1}}{{z + 1}}} \right)$ is