If the set $\left\{\operatorname{Re}\left(\frac{z-\bar{z}+z \bar{z}}{2-3 z+5 \bar{z}}\right): z \in C , \operatorname{Re}(z)=3\right\}$ is equal to the interval $(\alpha, \beta]$, then $24(\beta-\alpha)$ is equal to
If $arg\,z < 0$ then $arg\,( - z) - arg\,(z)$ is equal to
The set of all $\alpha \in R$, for which $w = \frac{{1 + \left( {1 - 8\alpha } \right)z}}{{1 - z}}$ is a purely imaginary number, for all $z \in C$ satisfying $\left| z \right| = 1$ and ${\mathop{\rm Re}\nolimits} \,z \ne 1$, is
If $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are different complex numbers with $|\beta|=1,$ then find $\left|\frac{\beta-\alpha}{1-\bar{\alpha} \beta}\right|$
If $|z|\, = 1$ and $\omega = \frac{{z - 1}}{{z + 1}}$ (where $z \ne - 1)$, then ${\mathop{\rm Re}\nolimits} (\omega )$ is
For any complex number $w = c + id$, let $\arg ( w ) \in(-\pi, \pi]$, where $i =\sqrt{-1}$. Let $\alpha$ and $\beta$ be real numbers such that for all complex numbers $z=x+$ iy satisfying arg $\left(\frac{z+\alpha}{z+\beta}\right)=\frac{\pi}{4}$, the ordered pair $( x , y )$ lies on the circle
$x^2+y^2+5 x-3 y+4=0 .$
Then which of the following statements is (are) TRUE?
$(A)$ $\alpha=-1$ $(B)$ $\alpha \beta=4$ $(C)$ $\alpha \beta=-4$ $(D)$ $\beta=4$