Let $R$ be a reflexive relation on a set $A$ and $I$ be the identity relation on $A$. Then
$R \subset I$
$I \subset R$
$R = I$
None of these
Let $N$ denote the set of all natural numbers. Define two binary relations on $N$ as $R_1 = \{(x,y) \in N \times N : 2x + y= 10\}$ and $R_2 = \{(x,y) \in N\times N : x+ 2y= 10\} $. Then
If $R$ be a relation $<$ from $A = \{1,2, 3, 4\}$ to $B = \{1, 3, 5\}$ i.e., $(a,\,b) \in R \Leftrightarrow a < b,$ then $Ro{R^{ - 1}}$ is
If $n(A) = m$, then total number of reflexive relations that can be defined on $A$ is-
Let $R =\{( P , Q ) \mid P$ and $Q$ are at the same distance from the origin $\}$ be a relation, then the equivalence class of $(1,-1)$ is the set
Let $R$ and $S$ be two equivalence relations on a set $A$. Then