Mention characteristics of electric field.
Characteristics of electric field is as following :
$(i)$ The charge $Q$, which is producing the electric field is called a source charge and the charge $q$, which tests the effect of a source charge is called a test charge.
However, if a charge $q$ is brought at any point around $Q$ itself is bound to experience an electrical force due to $q$ and will tend to move. A way out of this difficulty is to make $q$
negligibly small. The force $\vec{F}$ is then negligibly small but the ratio $\frac{F}{q}$ is finite and defines the
electric field : $\overrightarrow{\mathrm{E}}=\lim _{q \rightarrow 0} \frac{\overrightarrow{\mathrm{F}}}{q}$
$(ii)$ Note that the electric field $\overrightarrow{\mathrm{E}}$ due to $\mathrm{Q}$ though defined operationally in terms of some test charge $q$ is independent of $q$. This is because $\vec{F}$ is proportional to $q$, so the ratio $\mathrm{F} / q$ does not depend on $q$.
The field exists at every point in three-dimensional space.
$(iii)$ For a positive charge, the electric field will be directed radially outwards from the charge as shown in figure$ (a)$.
For a negative charge, electric field vector at each point, points radially inwards as shown in figure $(b)$.
$(iv)$ Since the magnitude of the force $\mathrm{F}$ on charge $q$ due to charge $\mathrm{Q}$ depends only on the distance $r$ of the charge $q$ from charge $Q$ the magnitude of the electric field $\vec{E}$ will also depend only on the distance $r$.
$\therefore \mathrm{E} \propto \frac{1}{r^{2}}$
For what type of charge distribution, electric field can be obtained by using Coulomb’s law and superposition principle ?
If the net electric field at point $\mathrm{P}$ along $\mathrm{Y}$ axis is zero, then the ratio of $\left|\frac{q_2}{q_3}\right|$ is $\frac{8}{5 \sqrt{x}}$, where $\mathrm{x}=$. . . . . .
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Write equation of electric field by point charge. How does it depend on distance ?
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