Obtain approximately the ratio of the nuclear radii of the gold isotope $^{197}_{79} Au$ and the silver isotope $^{107}_{47} Ag$ .
Nuclear radius of the gold isotope $_{\tau g} A u^{197}=R_{A u}$
Nuclear radius of the silver isotope $_{47} A g^{107}=R_{4 g}$
Mass number of gold, $A_{A u}=197$
Mass number of silver, $A_{A g}=107$
The ratio of the radii of the two nuclei is related with their mass numbers as
$\left( R _{ A w } / R _{ A g }\right)=\left( A _{ A u } / A _{ A g }\right)^{1 / 3}=1.2256$
Hence, the ratio of the nuclear radii of the gold and silver isotopes is about $1.23$
An alpha nucleus of energy $\frac{1}{2}m{v^2}$ bombards a heavy nuclear target of charge $Ze$. Then the distance of closest approach for the alpha nucleus will be proportional to
The ratio of radii of nuclei $_{13}A{l^{27}}$ and $_{52}{X^A}$ is $3 : 5$. The number of neutrons in the nuclei of $X$ will be
Which of the following pairs is an isobar
Mass numbers of two nuclei are in the ratio of $4: 3$. Their nuclear densities will be in the ratio of
A nucleus disintegrates into two smaller parts, which have their velocities in the ratio $3: 2$. The ratio of their nuclear sizes will be $\left(\frac{x}{3}\right)^{\frac{1}{3}}$. The value of ' $x$ ' is :