On which factors does stopping distance depend ?
The acceleration (a)-time $(t)$ graph for a particle moving along a straight starting from rest is shown in figure. Which of the following graph is the best representation of variation of its velocity $(v)$ with time $(t)$ ?
A particle executes the motion described by $x(t) = x_0 (1 - e^{-\gamma t} )$ ; જ્યાં $t\, \geqslant \,0\,,\,{x_0}\, > \,0$.
$(a)$ Where does the particle start and with what velocity ?
$(b)$ Find maximum and minimum values of $x(t),\, v(t)$ $a(t)$. Show that $x(t)$ and $a(t)$ increase with time and $v(t)$ decreases with time.
A dancer moves counterclockwise at constant speed around the path shown below. The path is such that the lengths of its segments, $PQ, QR, RS$, and $SP$, are equal. Arcs $QR$ and $SP$ are semicircles. Which of the following best represents the magnitude of the dancer’s acceleration as a function of time $t$ during one trip around the path, beginning at point $P$ ?
A body $A$ starts from rest with an acceleration ${a_1}$. After $2$ seconds, another body $B$ starts from rest with an acceleration ${a_2}$. If they travel equal distances in the $5$th second, after the start of $A$, then the ratio ${a_1}:{a_2}$ is equal to
A car, moving with a speed of $50 \,km/hr$, can be stopped by brakes after at least $6\,m$. If the same car is moving at a speed of $100 \,km/hr$, the minimum stopping distance is..........$m$