Size of nucleus is of the order of
${10^{ - 10}}m$
${10^{ - 15}}m$
${10^{ - 12}}m$
${10^{ - 19}}m$
Is nuclear force short range or long range ?
If the nuclear radius of ${}_{13}^{27}Al$ is $3.6$ fermi the approximate nuclear radius of ${}_{}^{64}Cu$ in fermi is ..........$fm$
Assertion $(A):$ Forces acting between proton-protn $\left(f_{p p}\right)$, proton-neutron $\left(f_{p p}\right)$ and neutron-neutron $\left(f_{n n}\right)$ are such that $f_{p p} < f_{p n}=f_{n n}$
Reason $(R):$ Electrostatic force of repulsion between two protons reduces net nuclear forces between them.
Assertion : The binding energy per nucleon, for nuclei with atomic mass number $A > 100$, decreases with $A$.
Reason : The nuclear forces are weak for heavier nuclei.
Antiparticle of electron is